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Women CAN Lead: Destroying Gender Bias

From the desk of Frank Henderson, Lead Pastor of EPIC Fellowship Church

I already know the title has made some of you upset. I don’t know what it is that makes men and women around the globe detest female leadership. But what I do know is this: if the church doesn’t settle the issue of women in leadership once and for all, the very future of the church as we’ve known it is in jeopardy. And so, before I share my heart on this matter, let me make one thing clear—I'm talking to you. Not to your friend who you think needs to hear this more, but to you. We’ve all harbored biases against women at some point. Yes, even in the church. Yes, even women against women that believe the lies told to them by those that feared the greatness in women. 

Most people are quick to acknowledge that women make great mothers, nannies, cooks, dishwashers, and administrators. But for some reason, many struggle with the idea of women being CEOs,  pastors, or, heaven forbid, Presidents. I grew up at a time in the church where men were the decision-makers in all things. It was simply the way things were done and no one really challenged it. But seldom do we stop to consider what God’s original intention for women really was. They weren’t created to be “behind their man”— remember that slogan? We made it up. We’ve all heard it: “Behind every good man is a good woman.” But that’s not what God had in mind. It was a deeper purpose in His creation of women. Men will never be successful on the highest level without understanding his need for powerful women in his life. 

Let’s talk about God’s frustration for a moment. Imagine how God feels when we fail to understand the beauty, strength, and purpose He embedded in women. Women weren’t an afterthought, a second-class creation. No, God was meticulous in crafting them, giving them innate wisdom, softness, and an unshakeable strength. Until we grasp this—until we appreciate the fullness of God’s design in creating women—we’ll never see Him as He truly is, and we’ll never experience the transformative change we long for in our lives, our churches, and our world.

Let’s look at God’s original plan for men and women together. It’s right there in the Scriptures, in the very beginning, in the book of Genesis:

"And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.' So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he THEM. And God blessed THEM, and God said unto THEM, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.'” (Genesis 1:26-28)

Did you catch that? God said, God created, and God blessed THEM. Men and women, together. God didn’t confine women to the kitchen or to “lesser” roles. Sure, Paul’s teachings may seem to impose certain limitations on women, but let’s be clear—Paul was working within the cultural confines of his time. His lens wasn’t as clear as it could have been, particularly in his earlier writings about integrating women into leadership roles. But make no mistake—God empowered women. Yes, He told women not to usurp authority, but He said the same thing to men!

God saw the first couple, Adam and Eve, as one. So much so that in Genesis 5:2, it says, “He called their name Adam.” Their name. Together. United. That’s the precedent. And here’s something powerful to consider: Christ is called the second or last Adam in Scripture. We, the Church, are called His bride. If God had a problem with women in leadership, why would He leave His bride—His Church—to lead, to be salt and light in a dark and dying world?

So, let’s drop the attitude about female leadership. Leadership, in and of itself, is God’s intention for all of us, and He doesn’t discriminate based on gender. It’s time to #TightenUpChurch. The moment we let go of our blind spots and allow God to heal them, we’ll start to see change—not just in the church, but in every corner of society.

Ladies, go be great! It’s time to take your place in leadership, with the full blessing of God. The world needs your voice, your wisdom, and your strength. God has no issue with you leading, and neither should we.

Pastor Frank Henderson  
Lead Pastor, EPIC Fellowship Church