Christ gave his life so that we could experience SALVATION. In simple terms, salvation means, help, deliverance, health, welfare, prosperity, victory, safety, and protection. It means that we've been rescued from our enemies.
My definition of salvation is "the manifestation of Christ within your life." He’s my superhero, He alone rescued me, He gave his life at Calvary. He is the help, deliverance, health, welfare, prosperity, victory, safety, and protection. He is my salvation
Rescuing man in his darkened state Christ that he hit that bullseye dead center.
What a great gift! It's free! We cannot work to earn it. He simply asks us to receive His salvation no matter what is happening in our lives.
How you're asking yourself? We ask Him to come and live within us. God, will you come and live within me? His answer will be yes.
That's it and that's all.
Pastor Frank